Friday, January 4, 2019

Lexicomp Online Mobile App Subscription Update

Current Subscribers:

Existing mobile app subscriptions will expire at the end of JANUARY. You will need a new product code to continue to access your mobile app/smartphone Lexicomp software.

The product code is embedded in this web link that takes users directly to installation instructions: 

There are easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for new users and those who are renewing their subscriptions.

New Subscribers:

Please note that new users will need to follow Step 1 of the instructions to “Create an Account” before proceeding with installing on their phone or tablet.

Where ELSE Can I Find the New Code? The code has also been updated on the  Lexicomp Online Introductory page, called “Mobile App Access” (found on the upper right hand side of the page).

Need Help? If you have any difficulty installing the software, the Technical Support Dept is available for assistance at 1-866-397-3433 option 3 or contact us through